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Spotlight on Success: Brad and Caroline Unger

Brad and Caroline Unger knew that it was time for them to make big changes to their lifestyle. Not just for the sake of their health, but to ensure a long, happy, and healthful life with their daughters. They began their first program – the 28-Day Cleanse & Detox together in September of 2016, since then, they’ve gone on to complete two more programs. Below, they share the life-changing results that motivate them to keep going—and to even recruit their family and friends!

Q: What made you decide, “Okay, it’s time for a change”? A: Our journey began with the realization that it was finally time to do something about our health and our weight. We wanted to be healthy in the long term and set a good example for our kids. We wanted to fit into our clothes, stop buying bigger and bigger sizes and to be happy to be in photos. And while we’d occasionally talked a bit about focusing on eating better, it was never something that got to the top of the list in our busy lives. It seemed like a problem that was just too big to tackle, we didn’t have a plan for how to start, so we simply didn’t. That’s when we signed up to do the 28-Day Cleanse & Detox together. After having such great success with that program, we continued with the six-week Restyle Your Lifestyle class, and then the four-week Beyond the Basics class. Since those classes have ended, we’ve continued checking in with you to tweak what we’re doing and to help achieve specific results.

Q: Are there any benefits to doing the program with a partner? A: There are huge benefits to doing the program with a partner! At the outset, the program required changes in how we shopped and cooked, so it was very helpful to be making those changes as a team. It would have definitely been tough to eat clean had the other person been eating pizza and pasta. As we went through the program, we were able to share our experiences, bounce ideas off of each other, and really be each other’s support system. We also were the first people to really notice the physical differences in one another, so we were able to give each other positive reinforcement as we saw the weight coming off. While we think that the programs and the amazing support would still have delivered results had one of us done it on our own, we are, without question, grateful that we did this together.

Q: You both are seriously committed. What were some of the things you’ve learned from these classes that keep you coming back? A: We have completely changed our relationship with food and we’ve learned how to make the right choices—we no longer eat for the sake of eating, and we simply do not feel deprived.

We’ve also seen first-hand how critical the nutrition element is to making a positive lifestyle change. I [Brad] was exercising with a trainer for two years without seeing any weight-loss. Once we changed our nutritional habits under your guidance, the pounds started melting off and exercise became an accelerator for weight-loss. Caroline has never been a regular exerciser, but now she has a consistent routine including yoga, strength training, and cardio. Plus, she has the confidence to go to the gym and try new things without any embarrassment about how she looks.

Q: How much weight have you two lost? A: In the six months since starting the 28-Day Cleanse & Detox, we have lost 112 pounds between the two of us. We’re seeing amazing results in how we look, we’re seeing blood test results that show everything in a healthy range, and we feel so much more energetic and confident.

Q: What other improvements to your health have you experienced? Some data points: I had a full blood workup the day before the first Detox class. I then had another blood workup one month after completing the three-month series of classes. Within this four-month period, the results have been outstanding, most notably on the lipid panel:

  • Triglycerides down 80%

  • Total cholesterol down 25%

  • HDL (good cholesterol) up 25%

I was not on any prescription medication before the first blood test—but these types of results are going to ensure I won’t ever need to go on any lipid-regulating prescription drugs.

Q: You’ve been so pleased with your results that you’ve recruited others to the program, correct? A: Yes, your impact hasn’t stopped with us. Based on the success we’ve seen, Caroline’s mom, my sister, and my brother-in-law have all signed up for and completed the 28-Day Cleanse & Detox program as remote detoxers. They’ve all also seen great success and now have the tools to continue their journeys to good health. Our friends have noticed the changes in us too, and have told us that it’s inspired them to get more serious about finding a healthy lifestyle. Above all, we both know that we’re not only setting a great example for our daughters, but that we’re doing what we need to do to ensure a long and healthy life for us and for them.

Q: What were your biggest takeaways from these classes? A: We have heard so many times about how diets fail and people need to make lifestyle changes. You have taught us how to make those lifestyle changes in a way that will be truly permanent. We’re so well-informed that we can plan for occasional splurges—like a great dinner out or a piece of birthday cake. You taught us that it isn’t about perfection (except during the detox!), but rather about getting back on track as soon as you can. We love that you’re a self-professed cookie addict—you’ll never tell people you only snack on celery. Instead, you give people the tools to occasionally have that special treat while still maintaining a very healthy lifestyle.

Q: Having successfully completed several of my programs and maintained your new, healthy lifestyle, what would you tell others looking to do the same? A: Our success is a testament to your approach and to your sincere thoughtfulness in how you work with each individual in your classes. Words can barely express our gratitude. Our journey has been exhilarating and life-altering. It has had a profound positive impact on the quality of our lives and therefore our young daughters’ lives. Thank you, Loryn, from the bottom of our hearts!


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